Friday, February 7, 2014

Madrid expats versus Costa expats

Just a quick entry today - I've been busy assembling a new bookcase, which means I now have to reorganise the book displays. It's an interesting job, but more time consuming than you'd think... Anyway, I've noticed on Twitter and on expat talkboards in Spain that apparently it's become a lot harder to receive BBC programmes here in Spain, and that it's causing anxiety for some! However, the Brits (and Irish) I know here in Madrid, haven't mentioned it, and indeed don't appear to watch television outside of sports events broadcast in local bars and pubs. I don't think this is because the expat population here are necessarily more likely to learn Spanish and avoid British television (some may be, others aren't). My theory is that the vast majority of Brits/Irish based here in Madrid came to work, often in the teaching industry. Outside of work there are various distractions (music, sports, eating and drinking, theatre, cinema etc) that mean the need to watch the Beeb is very small. One or two may even pop into my bookstore? On the other hand, a lot of folk on the Costas have gone there to retire, and may be of an age where learning a language is very difficult anyway. They have a lot more free time on their hands and so like to keep up with the goings-on down Albert Square.. Just my theory, and I'd be interested to hear if anyone can come up with a more likely explanation?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The BBc & ITV have changed Satalite this week and anyone who doesn't have a big enough dish on the south coast has lost these channels, Being further North Madrid is unaffected so this may be why no one is complaining.

  3. Thanks for that feedback, it may well be the case. To be honest I don't know anyone here who's talked about losing BBC, I'll have to ask in the Irish pub what the score is...

  4. Havng said that the satalite has changed i fordot to mention that I agree with your differences between Cosat and Madrid ex-pats.
